Our Blogs

5 Qualities of a Great Virtual Assistant
I’m happy to say that we’ve shared a ton of information in our blog and on our YouTube channel about VAs. We’ve talked about where to find VAs, how to interview them and even how to manage them. But how do you know a good VA from a bad one?…

3 Things You Must Outsource to a Virtual Assistant
What are the best things to outsource to a virtual assistant?
I get asked this question so many times, that I wanted to take a few minutes to answer it as simply as possible for you…

4 Common Mistakes in Hiring a Virtual Assistant
If you’re new to working with virtual assistants, it’s common to make mistakes in getting started. Just like anything else, when you don’t have experience, you often have to learn by making mistakes…

Can I Trust My Virtual Assistant?
Well, the answer may initially seem indirect. I have to say, it’s a solid “Yes and no.” But if you’ll read on, you’ll come to understand that trusting your VA is a process that, if you approach it carefully and intelligently, will pay off enormously in the end…

Virtual Assistant FAQs
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about how valuable a tool a virtual assistant can be to a business owner…

Business Owners and Juggling Hats
There’s Never Enough Time
Let me start by asking a question. For a business owner, what are the biggest problems you face in your business? Well, there is one answer that is common amongst many entrepreneurs. In fact, most of you would probably put this one down as one of your top 3 challenges…

Do I Really Need a Virtual Assistant?
When people first learn about virtual assistants, this is one of the top questions that pop up. It’s a common question, and it’s an important one…

Know Your Clients – Boost Your Sales
If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, let me ask you a question: do you really know your market? Do you understand the characteristics of your ideal client?…

8 Essential Skills for Customer Service Employees
Thanks, in large part, to the ever-advancing march of technology, customer expectations of service quality are shifting. And, while quality customer service has always been important, what defines it has changed in recent years…

The Basics of Ghostwriting
Ghostwriting is a fascinating phenomenon in the literary and digital world. In an environment where everybody is seeking the image of a thought-leader, idea-makers are reaching out, more and more, for external help in presenting their ideas…
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