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Copywriting is an artform. It takes a degree of talent and skill to get your message across effectively in a highly competitive market. But, while it is an artform, it is not that complicated. It is very possible to learn how to write good copy. You simply have to approach your writing analytically and from a perspective of understanding your target audience.

If you want to learn to write outstanding copy that can cut through the noise and win sales, then follow these 6 tips. They may seem like generalizations, but that’s exactly what you need. That’s because in art, the only real training forms are guidelines. It really comes down to the artist to create and deliver a masterpiece!


1. Present a Unique Perspective



One of the biggest challenges in marketing today is getting past people’s defenses. Your audience is used to seeing and hearing dozens, if not hundreds of ads each day. Consequently, they can sense them without truly looking, and can tune them out quickly. If you want your audience to really listen to what you have to say, you’re going to have to take less direct angle of attack, and do something they haven’t seen before.

The first step here is to analyze what’s the big picture behind your marketing message. What is the problem that your product or service is solving for your potential customers? By approaching from this perspective, you’ll have a much better chance at cutting through the noise and getting your audience’s attention. And that’s the first, and most important step – getting their attention.


2. Connect the Dots



Once you have your angle of attack figured out, you have to guide your audience on the journey from their problem to your solution. And you have to do that succinctly and efficiently. You got their attention in tip number 1. Now you have to get your message across before you lose it. So, clarity is another key here. You approached from an indirect angle, now you should run straight in. Take a direct route to your target.


3. Give it a Captivating Lead



The lead in your copywriting is a single phrase or sentence that is designed to draw your customer along the pipeline. The goal of your lead is to get them to read what follows. So, it has to be unique and interesting.

This phrase or sentence has to embody the unique perspective that you chose in tip #1. But it doesn’t necessarily need to include the connection you’re going to make in tip #2. You can leave things a bit mysterious in your lead. After all, intrigue is a great way to grab attention. One suggestion might be to open it with a question that orients your audience to your unique perspective. Another might be to present a surprising, but true, numerical statistic. A little bit of shock can be effective, so long as it’s not over-the-top. If your audience doesn’t believe you, you’ve already lost them.

The main point here is to consider your audience. What fascinates them? Once you figure it out, tempt them with it!


4. Listen to Your Audience



The real key to good copy is connecting with your audience. You have to give them something to consume that they want to consume. And you do that by listening to them.

Your target audience is a group of people who is already looking for a product or service. And, in their search, they’re already talking about what they want. They talk on social media, through their browser searches, and on the websites of service providers. Look for complaints. Look for compliments. What frustrates them? What makes them happy?

The beauty of listening is that the language your audience uses will be the foundation of the copy you should be writing. You can get a feel for what to write if you see what they have written and what they’ve said. In a way, they’re doing all the work for you!


5. Use Natural Language and Avoid Exaggerating



Use of technical jargon is a sure sign that a writer is more focused on his own skill than his audience’s needs. Nobody cares about your expansive vocabulary when it comes to copywriting. They care about connections and the message. You’re just a messenger, after all, so get out of the way. It doesn’t matter that your audience may be familiar with those big words. If they are, that means they’re already the experts, and they’re not interested in being up-staged. Your task is to make them feel comfortable with you, so they’ll listen to your message.

Another important point is to avoid exaggeration. Inflating the truth is a form of dishonesty. And your audience is smart enough to smell dishonesty. So, exaggeration can backfire spectacularly. The absolute last thing you want is to lose the trust of your audience. So, point out your accomplishments and abilities if it sells your product. But stay between the lines.


6. Apply the Age-Old “KISS Principle.”



“Keep it Short and Simple” is a vital piece of advice for writing effective copy. Copywriting differs from other forms of content in this way.

Being flowery and descriptive in a blog post can actually be a positive thing. That’s because these types of content are like a main course. Your audience is actually sitting down to consume it intentionally.

But copy is designed to be consumed by an audience with a short attention span, who wasn’t already interested in the content. It’s more like a quick snack that can be casually consumed on the run.

Your audience doesn’t have time for, nor is it interested, in a full meal. So, don’t present them with something they’ll ignore.

On a related note, learn to use simple, specific words and direct phrases. Remember that in copywriting, less is definitely more.


In conclusion, effective copywriting is an artful skill that can be learned and developed. By following the six tips above, you can write the kind of outstanding copy that grabs attention and sells.



Contact Chau Lim

Best Regards,
Chau Lim
Email: chau@virtualdonewell.com
Phone: +61 413 981 888